Is Moses Basket Safe for Your Baby: Moses Basket Safety Explained

on October 30, 2023

Moses baskets have long stood the test of time, being a favoured choice among parents over generations. However, a burning question on many minds (and certainly a question we get asked the most) is: "Are Moses baskets safe?" As you embark on this parenting journey, we understand, that ensuring your baby's safety is paramount. While a Moses basket can be an ideal choice, it's essential to understand why to be able to make an informed decision.

Why Moses Baskets?

Moses baskets captivate parents with their snug, womb-like environment and portable design. Suitable for newborns, these baskets not only ensure your baby's comfort but also provide the convenience of mobility. Transitioning from one room to another becomes hassle-free and you will have your baby under your supervision at all times.

Baby in a grey crochet moses basket

Moreover, they are cost-effective and space-saving. With many parents opting for a cot or crib as a permanent sleeping arrangement, a Moses basket complements perfectly for those initial months.

Understanding Moses Basket Safety

The pivotal question remains, "Are Moses baskets safe?" Yes, they are, provided you pay attention to certain aspects and follow the safe sleep advice.

  • Portability: One of the prime advantages of Moses baskets is their light-weight design, facilitating effortless movement. Whether you're visiting family or carrying out chores, your baby remains by your side. (Note: Do not move your baby when they are in the moses basket - even if the handles are strong enough, moses basket is not a carrier.)

  • Resilience: Opt for moses baskets that prioritise quality. Though economical options exist, investing in baskets made from safe and certified materials promises longevity and comfort. Baskets made from natural materials like palm leaves or cotton yarn offer robustness coupled with breathability.

  • Affordability and Space-Efficiency: Comparatively more pocket-friendly than getting additional cots or cribs, moses baskets cater to budgetary constraints and spatial restrictions.

  • Safety First: Ensuring your baby's safety is non-negotiable. Check for a basket's sturdiness, making sure there are no loose threads or sharp corners.

Guidelines for Moses Basket Safety

  • Choose a basket from brands who disclose the where products are made, guarantee quality and adherence to safety standards.
  • Ensure the basket's weight-bearing capacity aligns with your baby's weight.
  • Position the Moses basket on a flat surface, ideally on a secure Moses basket stand.
  • Keep the basket at a safe distance from heaters, fireplaces, draught or direct sunlight.
  • Keep the Moses basket clear of all items including pillows and only use safe bedding like cellular blankets or sleeping bags. Ensure any sheet is securely tucked in, avoiding loose bedding.
  • Always make sure the materials are free from harmful chemicals or toxins.

Baby in a pink moses basket

A brief summary of Safer Sleep Advice by The Lullaby Trust

  • Clear Sleeping Space: Ensure there is nothing in your baby's sleeping space (e.g. no teddy bears, pillows, bumpers, etc). The safest place for your baby's sleep is a clear separate cot or Moses basket.
  • A Firm Mattress: Your baby should sleep on a flat, firm mattress without any raised areas.
  • Safe Bedding: Use bedding appropriate for the time of year and room temperature, ideally breathable baby blankets or sleeping bags, sheets and blankets need to be securely tucked in under the mattress. Avoid bumpers, pillows and positioners.
  • Supervision Day & Night: Babies should always be in the same room with you for the first 6 months of age.

For more detailed Safer Sleep Guidance go to The Lullaby Trust's website.

Selecting the Perfect Moses Basket

  • Material Matters: Natural materials, such as sustainably sourced palm leaves, are preferable for their durability and breathability.

  • Dimensions and Weight Restrictions: Before purchasing, ensure the basket's size is appropriate for your baby, checking its weight limit.

  • Stability and Ventilation: A firm mattress is crucial. Moreover, the design should promote air circulation to maintain a comfortable temperature.

  • Safety Approvals: Seek baskets with safety certifications, assuring they meet rigorous safety standards.

Moses Basket Usage Duration

Typically, a Moses basket serves its purpose until your baby is approximately 6 months old or begins to roll over and/or sit up. It's recommended to transition to a cot or crib thereafter.

Our Moses basket is safe up to maximum of 9kg of weight. 

Are Crochet Moses Baskets Safe?

Recently, crochet Moses baskets have caught the attention of many parents, primarily for their aesthetic appeal. Like any other Moses basket, their safety depends on the quality and design. It's crucial to ensure that the crochet pattern is tight with no loose threads, and the material is breathable and free from any chemicals. The same safety guidance applies - always follow the age and weight guidance and your baby's development. Keep an eye out for any wear and tear.

In Conclusion: Are Moses Baskets Safe?

Absolutely! Moses baskets can offer both comfort and safety for your baby. However, it's essential to choose wisely, keeping safety at the forefront. An informed choice can provide your little one with a cosy, secure environment during their initial months.


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